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레이블이 label reading인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2023년 5월 9일 화요일

Why You Should Avoid Processed Foods and How to Do So


It's easy to fall into the trap of processed meals in today's fast-paced society. They are quick, handy, and frequently inexpensive. But are they truly worth jeopardizing our health for? In this post, we'll look at why you should avoid processed meals and how you may do so even if you have a hectic lifestyle.

What exactly are processed foods?

Before we go into why processed foods are bad for you, let's define them. Processed foods are any foods that have been changed from their natural condition in some way. Adding chemicals, preservatives, fake flavors, or sweeteners is one example. It may also include the removal of nutrients or fiber. Candy, soda, chips, frozen dinners, and numerous fast-food selections are examples of processed foods.

Why should you avoid eating processed foods?

1. Processed foods are frequently rich in calories while being lacking in nutrients. This implies we're consuming more calories without obtaining the vitamins and minerals our bodies require for good health.

2. Processed foods are frequently high in added sugars. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease have all been related to excessive sugar consumption.

3. Many processed meals include harmful fats like trans fats, which increase poor cholesterol levels and can lead to heart disease.

4. Processed foods often contain high levels of sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease, and stroke.

5. Consuming processed meals consistently may raise the risk of numerous cancers, including colorectal, breast, and pancreatic.

How to ditch processed foods:

1. Begin small. Gradually replace processed diets with real foods. For example, swap chips for carrot sticks, soda for water or herbal tea, or sugary cereal for oats or nuts.

2. Read labels. To make educated purchasing decisions, become familiar with product labels and ingredients. Look for items that have a brief ingredient list and substances that you can pronounce and comprehend.

3. Prepare more meals at home. This allows you to chose healthy foods over processed meals and offers you control over what goes into your food. Even if you have a hectic schedule, meal preparation might help you stay on track.

4. Stick to the perimeter of the supermarket. Fresh vegetables, dairy goods, and meats are often sold around the perimeter. These are frequently less processed than the aisles in the middle.

5. Look for healthier options. Replace processed convenience foods with healthier alternatives. Buy fresh fruit instead of fruit-flavored snacks, and whole grains instead of refined grains.


Ditching processed foods may seem difficult at first, but it's an excellent approach to regain control of your health. Starting small and doing things slowly might help ease the shift. Remember that eating healthily does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. Choose whole ingredients and make meal prep pleasant. Your body will appreciate it!